DISEC (Disarmament and International Security First Committee)

Level: Beginner

DISEC is concerned with both regional and global disarmament and security matters. It is one of the six main committees of the UN.

The non-proliferation of nuclear and chemical weapons as part of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action

The prevention of terrorists gaining radioactive sources

Meet our chairs

Eloise Hatton

I'm a third year student at the University of York, studying Social & Political Sciences, and I have been a part of UNA York since her first year. I have attended multiple conferences and holds a 100% best delegate rate. I have been President at UNA York for the last year and have been chairing weekly sessions as well as York’s Mega Mini MUN (York Internal MUN). After my success in DISEC at NottsMUN last year, I'm delighted to be chairing the committee in 2024 and I'm looking forward to supporting delegates.

Lorna Gelic

I’m a Dutch third-year law student at Tilburg University in the Netherlands. Next to my studies I’m part of the United Netherlands delegation, where my love for MUN’ing grew even further. I have been involved in Model United Nations for a while now. Over the last few years, I have had the privilege to have gained experience as a delegate as well as being chair in several committees. My experience mostly comes from participating in MUNs in the Netherlands, but I’ve also participated as a delegate in international MUNs such as Oxford International Model United Nations and Harvard National Model United Nations. I’m extremely excited to join all of you for NOTTSMUN 2024!